Update on the medical certificate procedures
Update on the medical certificate procedures

Update on the medical certificate procedures


On amending Resolution No. 9 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 8, 1993 "On the approval of the rules for issuing medical certificates and determining and issuing payments for treatment and health purposes"


Based on the changes made on April 4, the rules for preparing medical certificates for insured persons in the form of an electronic document have been determined. These amendments enter into force from 1 May 2024. 


With the new changes, medical certificates are obtained by insured persons and insurers through the "Unified Health Information System" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter - UHIS) in the form of an electronic document, as well as in a printed form from the UHIS when the insured applies to a medical institution.


Medical certificates for illness or injury are drawn up for the entire period until the insured's working capacity is restored or until the medical-social expert commission determines his disability.


An insured person temporarily incapacitated as a result of tuberculosis or an occupational disease may be issued a medical certificate for a period of no more than 2 months, drawn up by the medical advisory commission (hereafter MAC) and approved by the enhanced electronic signature of the chairman of the MAC. If there is no MAC in the medical institution, a medical certificate is drawn up by the attending physician for those insured for those diseases for a period of no more than 2 months and confirmed by the enhanced electronic signature of the chief physician. If the patient's condition does not allow him to perform his labor functions at the workplace and the course of treatment is not hindered, a note on the possibility of temporarily transferring the insured person to another job is added to that medical certificate. When it is necessary to transfer the employee to another job due to other diseases not specified in this paragraph, the opinion of the MAC is issued instead of a medical certificate.


If there is no physician at the medical center, if there is only a nurse or a paramedic, they do not draw up a medical certificate, they provide first aid and send the temporarily incapacitated insured to the polyclinic or outpatient clinic for immediate admission.


A medical certificate for treatment in another city (places) within the country is drawn up in the form of an electronic document by the chairman and members of the MAC (in the absence of the MAC, by the attending physician and the chief physician), the said medical certificate is approved by the enhanced electronic signature of the head of the state medical institution in the area should be done.


Medical certificates are drawn up in the form of an electronic document by medical institutions based on the request of the insured.


Medical certificates contain the surname, first name, patronymic of the person temporarily incapacitated, FIN of the identity card, social security number (SSN) (if any), type of temporary incapacity (illness, industrial or domestic accident, quarantine, patient care, sanatorium-spa treatment or pregnancy and childbirth), date of birth if related to childbirth, last name, first name, father's name, FIN, degree of kinship, diagnosis, name of the disease causing quarantine if related to quarantine , the main diagnosis in accordance with the international classification of diseases, co-morbidities, complications and other circumstances that justify the preparation of medical certificates, the start and end dates of the medical certificate, the name and legal address of the medical institution that issued it, the TIN, the date of extension of the medical certificate, its continuation written by authorized physician in the form of an electronic document with the addition of information on the results of the disability assessment, notice on the place of work, regime, regime violation, start and end time of the trip if it is related to sanatorium-resort treatment, temporary transfer to another job, if any is done.


After the medical certficate is drawn up and entered into the UHIS and confirmed with an enhanced electronic signature, information about it is sent to one of the insured's feedback means, or it is printed on a paper carrier and presented to the insured at the request of the insured.


According to the relevant medical certificate issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it is not permissible to amend the medical certificate after payment of the allowance due to temporary incapacity for work, pregnancy and childbirth. It is forbidden to draw up a medical certificate for the date before the date of the insured person's application to the medical institution.


The chief physician supervises the organization of the work on the examination of working capacity, the preparation of medical certificates and the registration of certificates, their issuance and storage in a paper carrier.