Under a recent amendment made to the Decision of the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers "On the extension of the special quarantine regime and adoption of measures to remove some restrictions " (“Amendments”), mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements were introduced first time in Azerbaijan.
The Amendments, requiring vaccine passports for entry into certain indoor public premises – such as hotels, restaurants, fitness centers, also prescribes mandatory vaccination at the workplaces. The violation of these would result in the punishments of employers.
In accordance with Amendments, beginning from 1 September 2021, it is required that at least 80 % of individuals working at state bodies and the specified companies must be vaccinated with first dose. From the date of 1 October, they should be vaccinated with a second dose. Otherwise, these individuals should acquire an immune certificate which is issued to COVID infected and recovered persons.
Alongside with state bodies, the following companies where the above vaccination requirements would apply are as follows:
medical and pharmaceutical companies;
scientific and educational institutions;
electricity, gas and heat supply;
water supply and melioration, collection and cleaning of polluted water;
collection, processing and destruction of garbage;
transportation of passengers and goods by rail, sea, air and car, including taxi activities;
port services;
logistic services;
telecommunication and communication services;
postal and courier activities;
Implementation of social services;
caring services for persons with physical, physiological, mental or emotional disorders;
wholesale and retail trade;
public catering;
delivery services of meals;
hotels and other institutions conducting accommodation services;
activities of travel agencies and tour operators;
Finance and insurance service (bank, non-bank credit organisation; insurance companies; payment services; pawnshops);
Polygraphy, printing and copy services;
installation and repair of all types of machinery and equipment;
repair of computers, communication equipment, things for personal use, households goods;
technical service, repair and cleaning of cars and motorbikes;
rent and leasing activities;
sale and purchase services of immovable property;
activities in the field of architecture, engineering, technical design;
advertisement activity and acquaintance of markets;
activities of hiring agencies;
teaching and tutoring activities;
translation services;
design activities;
photography activities;
services related to conducting entrepreneurial activities (consulting services on accounting and auditing, law, commercial activities and management, and other similar work and services provided to business entities);
cleaning and maintenance of industrial and residential buildings, apartments;
disinfection services;
washing and chemical cleaning of textiles and fur products;
tailor services;
barbershops and beauty salons;
veterinarian activities;
animal shelters.
Additionally, it is not differentiated whether these individuals are hired based on labor contract (employment agreements) or providing services on the basis of civil contracts (service agreements) at these workplaces.
For COVID-19 related regulations and business standards in Azerbaijan, please contact us via: [email protected], or 0099450 289 89 73