Public-Private partnership in Azerbaijan: a new law approved

Public-Private partnership in Azerbaijan: a new law approved

Public-Private partnership in Azerbaijan: a new law approved On December 27, 2022, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Public-Private Partnership  was...

Jan 02, 2023 Caspian Legal Center
Investment Promotion Document in Azerbaijan

Investment Promotion Document in Azerbaijan

Investment Promotion Document in Azerbaijan Additional measures are being taken to improve the investment promotion mechanism in Azerbaijan. As part of the...

Dec 28, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Chambers and Partners has ranked Caspian Legal Center

Chambers and Partners has ranked Caspian Legal Center

 Chambers and Partners has ranked Caspian Legal Center We are thrilled to announce that “Caspian Legal Center”  has been ranked as one of the leading law f...

Dec 16, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Energy Efficiency Penalties Adopted

Energy Efficiency Penalties Adopted

Energy Efficiency Penalties Adopted   By the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 5, 2022 On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses ...

Dec 09, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Azerbaijan joined the Hague Service Convention

Azerbaijan joined the Hague Service Convention

Azerbaijan joined the Hague Service Convention  The Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters...

Dec 07, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
International Taxation Report for Azerbaijan - 2022

International Taxation Report for Azerbaijan - 2022

International Taxation Report for Azerbaijan - 2022 The International Bar Association Tax Committee has published annual international tax developments for...

Nov 10, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Azerbaijan has joined OECD BEPS Project

Azerbaijan has joined OECD BEPS Project

Azerbaijan has joined OECD BEPS Project   Law of Azerbaijan Republic “On joining Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)” was approv...

Oct 28, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Azerbaijan tender law interpreted by the court

Azerbaijan tender law interpreted by the court

Azerbaijan tender law interpreted by the court According to Article 50-4.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan On Public Procurement, if the number of...

Oct 18, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Country by Country Reporting in Azerbaijan

Country by Country Reporting in Azerbaijan

Country by Country Reporting in Azerbaijan In compliance with OECD BEPS minimum standards, Azerbaijan has recently started applying Country by Country Repo...

Jul 06, 2022 Caspian Legal Center
Investment income tax exemptions extended

Investment income tax exemptions extended

Investment income tax exemptions extended A new set of amendments to the Tax Code was adopted in May 2022. Passive investment income is further extended fr...

Jun 27, 2022 Caspian Legal Center